+49 7071 772 484 hello@galicium.de

Solar power operating models

Solar on residents housing
Successful project


Ein lohnendes Engagement „Employer Branding“ & CSR.

Ganz unkompliziert: keine finanzielle Bindung, kein Risiko und kein interner Projekt– und Betriebsaufwand! Wir pachten das Dach, sie nutzen den günstigen Strom und das Klima profitiert.

Ein Solarkraftwerk zum monatlichen Festpreis: clever leasen! Wenn alle Beteiligten vom großartigen Nutzen eines Solarkraftwerks überzeugt sind, braucht das Projekt nicht an äußerst scharfen Investitionskriterien scheitern. Leasing ist eine komfortable und praxistaugliche Variante. Wir bieten zudem Modelle, die kein Eigenkapital binden, die Anlage nicht in der Bilanz aktiviert und hohe Flexibilität gewähren. Auch Investorenmodelle sind heute wieder sehr attraktiv: Galicium pflegt ein intaktes Netzwerk zu interessierten Investoren. Langjährige positive Erfahrung mit unseren PV-Projekten zahlt sich hier aus.

For tenants
For residential properties – Sun power makes sense!
Housing companies can now again engage in climate protection and generate electricity directly where it is needed! Tenants and homeowners now demand their own electricity from the roof from a future-oriented energy concept. The entire handling with solar power supply, billing and administration is handled by an experienced and specialized Galicium partner. As a project developer, construction company or real estate company you can achieve a great increase in value for the property. Integrate Galicium into planning of new buildings or renovations: For the tenants and landlords profit.

For employees
Galicium creates a better image for companies look and makes employees happy: include your most important resource in the success of your solar power plant. The company provides the roof area, organizes the realization with Galicium and the employees receive shares in the photovoltaics plant. The ongoing dividend from the commitment creates loyalty.

Roof leasing
Very simple: no financial commitment, no risk and no internal project and operating expenses! We lease the roof, you use the electricity and the climate profits.

A solar power plant at a monthly fixed rate: clever leasing! If everyone is convinced of the great value of a solar power plant, the project does not have to fail because of investment criteria. Leasing is a comfortable and practical alternative. We also offer models that do not bind equity, do not activate the investment in the balance sheet, and offer high flexibility. Investor models are again very attractive today.